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Chrysoberyl Cat's Eye, 13.86ct

Mined in India | Certified by IGI

Listing ID: 8800320

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Gemstone Natural Chrysoberyl Cat's Eye
Origin India
Carat Weight 13.86 Carats
Dimensions (L x W x H) 14.72 x 9.94 x 7.69 mm
Shape Oval
Cutting Style Cabochon
Color Soft Greyish Green
Clarity Opaque
Cat's Eye Sharpness Faintly Visible Chatoyance
Treatments Not Heated, Treated or Enhanced
Certified By IGI
Stone ID R12450
Listing ID: 8800320

About Chrysoberyl Cat's Eye

Cymophane or more popularly known as Chrysoberyl Cat's eye belongs to the mineral group Chrysoberyl. These are the third-hardest gemstone after Diamonds and Rubies/Sapphires with a moh's hardness of 8.5.

Cat's-Eye Effect or Chatoyance is an optical property seen in gemstones which cause the formation of a single band or ray when the gemstone is cut as a cabochon. This is the result of numerous parallel needles of rutile. This effect is seen in numerous stones such as Apatite, Tourmaline, Spinel, Etc.

What makes Chrysoberyl unique is that it is extremely durable, and has a very strong chatoyance effect. The popular colors are honey-brown and yellow, although it is common to see shades of green also. Honey colored stones are considered most valuable owing to their golden-brown tint.

Since the chatoyance effect is caused due to exsolution of rutile needles, the stones are almost always milky. However, it is possible to find stones which are extremely transparent and still have a strong cat's eye effect. Such stones are extremely rare and hence valuable.

Chrysoberyl has a R.I. from 1.745-1.754. Most notable origins from where chrysoberyl cat's eye are mined include India, Sri Lanka, Brazil, and China. Cat's eye is extremely well suited for any pendants or rings as they are very alluring.

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